
Weekend Getaways – Just Up the Road…

weekend getaways

Getaway this weekend!

Why not take advantage of the many scenic getaways along Highway 1, just down the road. Here are some spots not too far from town that some people have traveled the world for.

Big Sur
Some people don’t know where to start when it comes to Big Sur. As long as you aim for that general area, I can assure you that anywhere you look will be breathtaking. Big Sur is also home to many art galleries, luxury hotels, and camping spots. Hours differ by the specific park, but you can find everything you need to know about them and the other attractions that bring people here from across the globe here.

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park is a great spot to check out in Big Sur county, with some of the most awe-inspiring coastal views available. From sea otter sightings to camping, and waterfalls to hiking, there’s nothing unattractive about this park that really isn’t too far from home. Although camping reservations have to be made months in advance, there’s plenty to explore here. Park hours are a half hour before sunrise, and a half hour after sunset. Find more information here, or call (831) 667-2315.

Big Basin Redwoods State Park
For something a little closer to Santa Cruz, drive just 25 miles up the golden coast to Big Basin Redwoods State Park for a day hike, and then hike back down and right into the ocean to cool off (I can personally recommend this–as well as the Pie Ranch nearby). Weekend hours are 8 AM – 9 PM on Fridays and Saturdays, and 8 AM – 8 PM on Sundays. Call (831) 338-8860 for information for check out the website.

Check the weather in Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz Weather

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One Response to Weekend Getaways – Just Up the Road…

  1. Jon Rawls May 30, 2015 at 7:21 pm #

    This is a great pick of spots! All of these parks could make good weekend trips.

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