Full Moon Names Calendar
Everything comes full circle in the illustrative work of Madison Wanamaker:
“I am constantly inspired by the mysterious macabre beauty of Santa Cruz, I didn’t grow up here so I feel like I have a unique perspective and appreciation for this weird little town. I mean, hidden little Evergreen Cemetery, the river running through Henry Cowell Redwoods, the tall grasses and Koi pond in Pogonip, the overgrown Pet Cemetery in Scotts Valley, there is so much to discover here. Recently I have been inspired to create a series of illustrations that try to capture that kind of magic that seems to hang around Santa Cruz.”

The River
“I went to college in Santa Barbara and drove up to Big Sur every change I got to hike and camp. I kind of dreamed of living there one day. When I graduated I went on a month long road trip and California, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, just trying to find a place to put some roots down and I settled on Santa Cruz. When I moved here I knew one person, but two years later I feel lucky every day to live in this beautiful place.”

Horror Stories
View more of Madison’s work on her website.
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