Ciara Barsotti impressive ink series shows us all you accomplish with a great can-do attitude!
“This ink drawing series started two years ago after taking a drawing class at Cabrillo College with Rebecca Ramos. For my final project I decided to break out of my perfectionism and do a series of drawings completely freehand in ink with no pencil, come what may (I work off of photographs but I don’t trace, either). The project was so much fun and had such interesting results that I have continued to make 9×12 ink drawings this way ever since.”
“I’ve done Inktober for two years now using this method, and all of the drawings in this post are from this year’s Inktober Challenge. Inktober is a drawing challenge where participants commit to doing an ink drawing every day in October, usually following prompts. I now have quite a few drawings from this project, many of which are available on my Etsy shop and will be available at Palace Arts downtown in December.”
“This year I started doing Facebook Live Draws every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. These take about an hour and I do a drawing from start to finish while we listen to music and talk about whatever! They’re a lot of fun, and I’ll be starting them up again in 2018.”
“I have also done several pet portraits using this method, and I even have a time lapse video option as an add-on for a portrait! These make great Christmas gifts and the video is a fun way to share your pet portrait online with friends & family. I’m taking commissions through the rest of November so place your orders soon!”
“I’ve lived in Santa Cruz with my husband for four years now. We’re here while he gets his PhD in Mathematics at UCSC, and I’ve loved soaking up the art community and cool weather while living here! My favorite thing about Santa Cruz is all of the hiking opportunities; getting outside is necessary for my mental health!”

View more of Ciara’s work on her Instagram and website. Also, read about Ciara’s Space Cowgirl series.
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