LocalSantaCruz.com is now offering PERMANENT ADS
Pay once, to sponsor content, and the content keeps marketing for you.
M – T – W – Th – F – S – Sun
One per day each week
And That’s It!
What is Sponsored Content?

Example Sponsored content article
Examples of good sponsored content:
- A specific type of art that your business sells
- Artists that your gallery represents
- Art from a specific neighborhood that you are located in
- A genre of music that frequently shows at your venue
Each item of sponsored content carries your name in the title, along with information about your business at the end of the article. Because this is permanent content and not a temporary ad, we often recommend launching the article with timely information, and then once your event passes we can change the footer info to more generic information about your business. Our goal is to set up the sponsored content so that it continues to bring value to the sponsor again and again.
Call Jon Rawls for more info: 831-471-5151
Support the Arts
Sponsored content shows your support for the arts while reaching a young and active audience, leaving a lasting, positive fingerprint on the art narrative in Santa Cruz.
Better Than Banner Ads

Site wide Banner ads don’t work
We have better options!
By sponsoring real articles on topics that run parallel to your own business, you can help provide a valuable service to this community.
We are no longer serving site wide banner ads, and we are not selling “advertorial” content, we only offer sponsored posts.
Better than in-house content
We have learned that in order for a piece of content to reach and be consumed by a user, 3-7 additional pieces of lightweight topic-specific content have to be presented first in order to build trust and rapport with the reader.
Because we are creating genuine content, we are able to share your message without setting off alarms in audience’s mind. This isn’t advertorial or ad heavy content, these are readable, real and helpful articles. Online content is a LOT of work, and with sponsored content we can handle the content and distribute your message for you! How many employees do you think it would take for you to publish daily content?
Cheaper than SEO
Sponsored content has the added bonus of being able to show up in search. You can have the chance to associate your name with additional search terms with every sponsored article. If you are interested in showing up in search, please check out our “Eight article SEO case study“. (http://blog.nombat.com/marketingpromo/seo-case-study-sponsored-content/)
Call Jon Rawls for more info: 831-471-5151
Cheaper than Print
Print is shrinking, disappearing quicker than readers and publishers know how to deal with it. Audiences are a fraction of what they used to be, which makes advertising less effective. The HIGH cost of printing has NOT gone down though, so the brunt of the cost is laid on the few advertisers that are left, paying more than their share of the cost of the news.
Although it is a shame to see print disappearing we see sponsored content as a way to create content indefinitely, while providing inexpensive access to audiences for advertisers.
Modern and Social
It is a marketing standard to aim to reach people where they already are; talking to your audience where they already spend their time, and in their own language.
We reach younger audiences engaged in online and social media.
When you sponsor 52 articles, your sponsored articles will receive over 300 mentions and posts across our various social media accounts, reaching thousands of local people. We know and actively engage in social and online media, we can be the experts in your corner without having to be “in-house” employees.
Follow us!
We’re very active online, so follow, like, friend us!
Call Jon Rawls for more info: 831-471-5151
Special Rates for Gallery Sponsorships
If your business represents a local artist, and you would like their work to receive additional exposure, we are offering discounted rates on stand alone articles.
The sponsored article will talk about the artist of your choice, their work, their inspiration or connection to Santa Cruz. The article will then refer readers to make purchases at your store, with photos and a banner promoting your business and inventory.