Hi, Santa Cruz! Here’s my #wednesdayWIP . What are you working on? #localsc Artist- Julianna Chavez

Hi, Santa Cruz! Here’s my #wednesdayWIP . What are you working on? #localsc Artist- Julianna Chavez
Hi, Santa Cruz! This is the start of a new drawing that I’m working on for the Somewhere in California illustration series of mine. This is also the start of #wednesdaywip — another reason to keep everyone doing and sharing art! I’ll be posting every week and I hope you do, too. Don’t forget to use […]
Sometimes my doodles feel a lot like dreams to me. Both dreams and doodles both take inspiration from daily life, usually at moments that we aren’t even aware are inspiring. They can be random—I can’t tell you how many milk cartons and other random objects I draw all the time for no reason. Often, both […]
This morning I’ve been working on freehanded details for a typical Californian home. Typically, when I’m trying to create a familiar environment in a piece, I prefer to work from mental generalizations and memories rather than tangible photos (The house and the car had blossomed just as the palm tree and the flowers had). Mental […]