Good morning, Santa Cruz! I’m so excited to announce that I’m working on a super fun project that I’ll be debuting next week for Saturday Morning Cartoons. I started this morning at the always delicious Walnut Avenue cafe. I can’t wait to share the finished product with you all! Artist- Julianna Chavez
Tag Archives | Julianna Chavez
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Ruffled Feathers
Good morning, Santa Cruz! Don’t forget to stand up for what you believe in–even if they think you’re a quack! Artist- Julianna Chavez
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Recollection
I know that it’s a little late in the afternoon for Saturday Morning Cartoons, but after all, it is summer. This is a digital sketch done in recollection of a moment. I call it “The Gaze” because The Gaze is the subject of the image, rather than the self-referential face, or the party-like scene around it. […]
Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Views
Have a great day, Santa Cruz–enjoy the views! Artist- Julianna Chavez
Self Portrait: Reference
Today I worked on a number of self portraits, including a handful that were inspired by famous works of art. This is an unfinished detail shot of a self portrait I worked on in reference to the Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, a masterpiece that I find to be empowering–and is one of my […]
Santa Cruz Strolls: Self Love
I hear a lot of talk going around lately about the idea of “self love.” People are usually referring to the acceptance of one’s bodies, and therefore their own physical flaws. Though I’ve been slightly perplexed about exactly what that means, I know that it goes deeper than that, and must include forgiveness for mistakes […]
Saturday Morning Inspiration: My Neighbor’s Roses
This is partial inspiration for the last poem that I posted, My Neighbor’s Roses. These one’s aren’t quite as attainable–in fact, I day dream of flying over the fence somehow very discretely, and finally smelling that lovely bunch. However, the jasmine flowers remind me to stay grounded, and to appreciate the sweetness already so near […]
Photo: Simpler Things
My favorite time of day is right before dusk, when the sun lets everything be golden for a moment. It’s like a spotlight on the entire world–tiny green leaves with white juices inside (when I was a kid, I used to think it was glue) shine like the rims of an old Volvo, like […]
Sketch: Fuzzy/Warm
I couldn’t sleep last night, so I pulled out the charcoals and did a sketch, sort of in the same way someone might do a rain dance. Artist- Julianna Chavez
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Details in California
This morning I’ve been working on freehanded details for a typical Californian home. Typically, when I’m trying to create a familiar environment in a piece, I prefer to work from mental generalizations and memories rather than tangible photos (The house and the car had blossomed just as the palm tree and the flowers had). Mental […]