This is Santa Cruz Art!

Artist Profiles

Artist Profiles

Music Profiles

Music Profiles

How To

How To

History and Postcards

History & Post Cards

Illustration and Drawing

Illustration & Drawing




Performer Spotlight




Santa Cruz Artists

We are featuring artists in Santa Cruz, From Santa Cruz and inspired by Santa Cruz. As we grow and become more established in the community our goal is to feature a local artists at least once a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Art Gallery

Think of Local Santa Cruz as an online Gallery, without limits, showcasing and supporting Santa Cruz artists. The only thing we are really missing are the little glasses of free wine, but if you meet up with us at an event we may be able to take care of that as well.

Social Art

Social media has changed the game for the art scene! Make sure that you follow LocalSC on Facebook and Instagram and really get to know our local art community.

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