Art this week in Santa Cruz: Nov 29th-Dec 5th, 2015

First Friday @ Palace Arts: Rogues’ Gallery
Local Santa Cruz was with Julie Rawls at her First Friday show at Palace Arts this week. To really get into the holiday spirit of giving we wanted to give away local clothing and art. We ended up giving away over 50 T-Shirts to First Friday participants.
The rules were simple:
- Put on a shirt
- Pose for an Instagram & Facebook photo
- Wear the shirt out to help us show off our cool designs!
Although we may have SPaaaaaaaamed our social media feeds Everyone had a great time, and this is a promotion that we will absolutely have again!
In fact, we think that everyone should give art this holiday season.
If you haven’t Followed us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter make sure that you do. You don’t want to miss out on the next event.
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This Week’s Articles

Phutureprimitive Album
Phutureprimitive : Featured Musician
I think music has an ability to create an environment where it’s okay to let those feelings out and to feel those feelings, whether to a small or a large degree…
Read the whole article here: Phutureprimitive

Video: How to Drill a Hole Through a Glass Bottle
Video: How to Drill a Hole Through a Glass Bottle

Kirby Scudder City Hall Salmon
Kirby Scudder: Ebb & Flow Featured Artist
After turning some heads with the oversized fish, Scudder brought the sculpture to the Soquel Avenue Bridge, where four spotters held ropes that were tied to the salmon to keep it from falling into the river…
Read the whole article here: Kirby Scudder

That 1 Guy
That 1 Guy: Featured Musician
That 1 Guy (a.k.a. Mike Silverman) bows, plucks and picks The Magic Pipe’s strings while singing and playing percussion by way of an electronically rigged kick drum pedal, a snare drum and a foot-controlled cowbell…
Read the whole article here: That 1 Guy

Video : Boro Glass Implosion Pendant
Video : Boro Glass Implosion Pendant

Local Santa Cruz Victorian Stickers
Julie Rawls : Featured Artist
For example, a design representing the town of Santa Cruz, a Victorian cherub is seen wearing board shorts and holding a surfboard, while a Seabright design juxtaposes a castle with an umbrella and beach ball…
Read the whole article here: Julie Rawls

Ebb and Flow Santa Cruz Gives
How To Support the Arts: Ebb & Flow

Kamiah Lovett : Featured Artist
The shift in energy left Kamiah thinking she was in a different world, and we agree with her…
Read the whole article here: Kamiah Lovett

Jon Rawls Happy Little Sharpies
Bob Ross and Sharpies : Saturday Morning Cartoons
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