Raccoon Bumper Sticker
Multi-talented, Lee Maverick, has lots of art to share and some stories to tell!
“I have always been an artist. I am obsessed with making things look good, even things that are not normally considered ‘artistic.’ People say that I am very organized so art is a logical extension of that. I had a rock band for a while called THE LEE MAVERICK BAND which is a sort of audio art. There are many videos of us on YouTube, including one when we were on Santa Cruz community t.v. with our first female guitarist, who I started the band with.
“A girl I knew on the East Coast invited me here [to Santa Cruz]. She came to Santa Cruz to study to be a massage therapist. She is now an acupuncturist in Winsdsor, CA. I had to move out of where I was living. I got into my Saab V4 and drove straight to Santa Cruz. It took me less than 3 days, because I picked up a hitchhiker and we took turns driving, and less than $100. Gas was cheap then and since my car was a 4 cylinder it was even cheaper. The hitchhiker ran down the bank next to the freeway and put out his thumb under the sign that said welcome to Ohio. I was the first car that went by. He was quiet for a long time then when we were out, in the middle of the desert or something, he said ‘where the hell are you going anyway?’ I said the other end. He got quiet again. I don’t even know his name. We got to a stop sign in Sacramento and he got out without saying a word. Must have been quite a move for him too. He was a young, what i would call heavy metal, type of kid. And so the story begins…”

Club Culture Sign
View learn more about Lee and check out all his other kinds of art, visit his website. He is also on the hunt for a new job (even if it is not art related). To contact him, call 831-426-6371 or email at l_maverick24@hotmail.com.
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