Featured Artist: Mike King


Wabi by Mike King


Mike King gives us a sneak preview of his ten part series entitled  Neon on the Wall. Though a psychedelic myriad of color and flow, the artist himself has for the most part allowed the art to speak for him. It’s understandable–with miraculous maybe-natural swirls on top of washes of color that you never knew were your favorite tell you stories with both holiday-inspiring rivers and war-like explosions.



Sabi by Mike King


Experimental and careful, coincidental and mined–these are all words that could describe the process of King’s work. From sprawling trees to galactic stormfronts, his work is like a color-spiked ink blot test. This surreal mental shift-and-flow is truly ever-changing, sparking possibilities on top of silent but oh so visible emotion (what do you spy?).


Neon on the Wall by Mike King

Neon on the Wall by Mike King


You can see more of this painter’s work, contact the artist, and keep up with their newest works on their Facebook page.

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