This video of a guy putting together a huge piece of cut paper art is rather hypnotic, I know that it certainly helped me zone out for a few minutes.

This video of a guy putting together a huge piece of cut paper art is rather hypnotic, I know that it certainly helped me zone out for a few minutes.
In his 1999 book “The Age of Spiritual Machines,” author Ray Kurzweil pointed out that things tend to change faster and faster as time passes. Based on this pattern, he predicted that “we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century—it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate).” A […]
While walking along the San Lorenzo River levee earlier this year, Ann Altstatt received a spontaneous visit from her muse. “It was just one of those moments where things line up, and you get a flash of inspiration—sort of like a snapshot of an idea,” the local painter/printmaker/science illustrator recalls. Lorenzo River during the month […]
Local musician Etienne David Franc is determined to capture his song ideas… even if it kills him. “Almost all of my writing happens—very dangerously—while I’m driving,” the bassist/guitarist/vocalist/rapper confesses. Franc does a huge amount of his composing on iMaschine, the phone app version of a drum machine/sequencer/controller that is changing the way producers make beats […]