Year End Art this week in Santa Cruz: Dec 27th, 2015 – Jan 2nd, 2016
As we wrap up a great year, we highlight the last artist of our ebb and flow series, and head downtown for a New Years Eve celebration.
Thanks for being here with us, and we are looking forward to a great 2016!

This Week’s Articles

Bridget Henry – Featured Artist
Bridget Henry: Ebb & Flow Featured Artist
“I think public art can change the way people look at the landscape,” she states. “You can see something over and over again for years and stop really looking at it, and then when we put some public art on or about a building, suddenly you can see things in a new way…
Read the whole article here: Bridget Henry

Chasing and Repoussé greek horse
Video : Chasing and Repoussé Process

Ebb and Flow Santa Cruz Gives
Secret Bonus to Support the Arts
You can help the Arts Council of Santa Cruz County hit a bonus goal at Santa Cruz Gives.
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I’m a little bit late, but still I want to say you “Happy New Year” and to thank you for this page. I’ve found it recently, but I just can’t stop reading your articles – they are so interesting and I think many people enjoy to read them. Thank you thank you thank you! In my opinion, you are the best!