This video of a guy putting together a huge piece of cut paper art is rather hypnotic, I know that it certainly helped me zone out for a few minutes.

This video of a guy putting together a huge piece of cut paper art is rather hypnotic, I know that it certainly helped me zone out for a few minutes.
Video: Digital speed painting a young woman wearing a feathered headdress.
This video walks you through creating a special effect, and essentially shows you how to draw a hole, in your hand. I particularly enjoyed the nice touch, and trick, with the paper at the end. I can’t help but think “Hopefully this guy used non-toxic pens for his special effects.” See additional “how to draw” […]
This quick video illustrates how to draw a circle with just a pen, paper and clever technique: This guy knows how to draw circles and has his technique down pat! See additional “how to draw” videos here:
What do you think?
See additional “how to draw” videos here: