Going For Art this week in Santa Cruz: Oct. 31 – Nov. 6, 2016
Go for the art and see this week’s featured artists and exhibitions!
This Week’s Articles
The Giant Ocean Coloring Book: Featured Exhibit
If you’ve ever wanted to dive deep into a coloring book, now’s your chance to take the plunge. The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is currently presenting an exhibit of work by artist Peter Winch, who has created a unique hand painted and stenciled set of California ocean animal illustrations that are part of his upcoming coloring book for adults – The Giant Ocean Coloring Book.
Read the whole article here: The Giant Ocean Coloring Book: Featured Exhibit
Video : Video: How to Draw Marylin Monroe with Coffee Grounds
Ben Johnson: Featured Artist
“I mostly paint large scale oil paintings but I do many different forms of art. I have a live/work studio at the Tannery…”
Read the whole article here: Ben Johnson: Featured Artist
Matt Miezio: Featured Artist
“The majority of my work is exploring surrealism or futurism based on my current state of mind. So for the most part I have no idea what I am going to create until I’m half way into the process. It tends to usually be based off a feeling or a visual…”
Read the whole article here: Matt Miezio: Featured Artist[/twocol_one]
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