
Tag Archives | ink

Julianna Chavez

Illustration: Window Views

  My family members often ask me why I don’t use rulers when I draw things with a straight edge, such as buildings and windows. The reason for that is not simply because I don’t have one, or because I’m lazy. The reason is all about perspective. Perspective is something that I consider to be […]

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Saturday Morning Cartoons: portraits

  This morning, I had the pleasure of drawing for UCSC Alumni and their families on this miraculously clear day. A rainbow-like halo affixed itself around the sun, with those gigantic trees fluffing themselves in the wind above happy children and prouder parents. Typically, I’m used to portrait-style live illustrations, but since kids will be […]

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Illustration: Space

As an artist, I hope for my viewers to know as much of me as they can through my work, and have always taken an interest in rare representations of bedrooms and private spaces of artists whom I admire. In terms of gathering more information about the artist, I feel that drawing or painting one’s own […]

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bathroom illustration by Julianna Chavez

Saturday Morning Reflections

Here is a neon-red visual representation of a memory abroad from the Summer of 2014, done in fine-point permanent marker. The chances of me seeing this bathroom again are slim to none. This is part of the reason why I take such an affliction to recording scenes from my life that tend to be in seemingly mundane settings. […]

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!"'\#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.